Monday, November 15, 2010

Class Exercise: Pre-Paper 3

Use the remaining class time to answer the following questions (in sentence form), and post your findings on our class blog. 

1. What will you make your principal claim in Paper 3? Whom or what are you evaluating? What criteria are you using? After reading this argument, what do you want the audience to believe, feel, or do?

2. Where will this argument (your argument for Essay 3) appear? In what newspaper, magazine, on what blog, website, etc.?

3. Based on the venue, what do you know about the audience? Do they fit a certain demographic? Do they tend towards a belief or a set of beliefs about the issue? How knowledgeable are they about the issue?

4. How will you present yourself as credible, savvy, trustworthy, amusing, etc?

5. Look at one of your pieces of evidence. How does it support your argument in terms of whether your subject (whom or what you are evaluating) meets or falls short of your chosen criteria?

6. Complete one of the following statements

In my paper I will use _____ as evidence.  This sort of evidence would likely convince my audience because_______________.


This sort of evidence is appropriate to the venue where I want my argument to appear because ______________.

7. How will you arrange your evidence?

8. How have you acknowledged or anticipated arguments from those who would disagree with you?

1 comment:

  1. 1. My principal claim in paper 3 will be that Young Hollywood should be cautious of the Hollywood curses they are on track to. I’m using criteria from the 27 Club to predict Amy Winehouse and Lindsay Lohan could be the next members.I think the audience will feel a little creepy after reading my article and will be watching carefully as their birthdays approach 27.

    2. Rolling Stone article

    3. The audience will be generally interested in the “unknown” of Hollywood and the creepy coincidences, or curses if they believe in them. They will be familiar with other famous celebrity deaths.

    4. To appear credible I will be using previous occurances of death among celebrities.

    5. The 27 Club and the things that have happened to previous celebrities that join the otherwise known as “Forever Club” are strikingly similar to the things that have happened to Winehouse and Lohan.

    6. This sort of evidence is appropriate to the venue where I want my argument to appear because of Rolling Stone’s musically-interested audience.

    7. From least to most convincing.

    8. Yes because I anticipate that the majority of the audience will not believe in curses and have addressed it.
