Wednesday, November 17, 2010

paper 3 Disney is a joke

1. My main principal claim in paper 3 is that because of the sexualized pop culture today, female stars that are exposed to Hollywood culture at a young age, particularly Disney channel stars, eventually fall into the typical media portrayal of women in effort to gain approval from a broader audience and gain more fame, and because this has been a common theme for many years now, we can expect this to happen. I will be evaluating celebrities such as Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, and Demi Lovato and Disney’s criteria and standards they set for their young actors/actresses. This includes certain symbols and rules that they expect their stars to withhold such as no underage drinking, conservative attire, purity ring, etc. I want my audience to see both sides: how Disney’s attempt to create appropriate media and character images for today’s youth but also how this attempt includes extreme expectations and isn’t realistic as well as societies ridiculous outrage on the issue due to the fact it is a common theme and can most likely be expected. I want my audience to stop blaming the person/actress and try to understand how surrounding factors/environment might have helped because their rebellious acts.
2. I am doing my paper in an article format and will appear in and on their website
3. My audience is women of ages ranging from 18-50 that follow celebrity news, gossip, and fashion. Most will be familiar with Disney channel star gossip events such as Miley Cyrus “can’t be tamed video and most recent, Demi Lovato checking into rehab. They will be aware of the issues/controversies involved with these stars and already have an opinion formulated.
4. As a credible source I will use credible information/sources, and I am very knowledgeable on the issues I want to focus on. I will represent myself as savvy while mocking almost locking Disney for the unrealistic expectations they give their actors and actresses but I won’t be completely one-sided. It will be amusing because it addresses the popular/recent media outbreak in a different way.
5. For evidence I am using articles, blogs, and pictures on the celebs I am evaluating. One thing I am using is an apology statement from Miley Cyrus on her controversial vogue cover; it supports my argument in saying she felt she had to do it, emphasizing pressure from the media Hollywood expectations of a budding female star. Also, I am using quotes from other former Disney channel stars such as Justin Timberlake who express their feelings toward Miley and how they relate to her and the “Disney curse.”
6. This sort of evidence is appropriate to the venue where I want my argument to appear because it fits the genre of “celebrity, sex, and fashion” and backs up my argument.
7. I plan on arranging my evidence by incorporating both sides of the argument in the beginning and then backing up my argument with strong evidence and supports in the last few paragraphs.
8. To anticipate arguments from those who disagree I plan on giving credit to Disney in its’ efforts to create a wholesome, family channel, but refute its’ extremity in this area. In other words, I don’t completely bash Disney as a whole but give it credit in the areas I believe worthy and express my opinion in areas and their policies I think are bad.

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