Tuesday, November 16, 2010

pre-paper 3.1

  1. The principal claim in my paper is that teen pregnancy in the U.S. is glamorized. I'm evaluating shows like Teen Mom, 16 & Pregnant, and Baby High. I want my audience to understand that having children at a young age isn't as easy as it looks on TV, and to take extra precautions.
  2. This argument will appear in Seventeen magazine.
  3. The audience consists of girls in their early to late teens. They are familiar with these shows that are aired on MTV and are informed about teen pregnancy.
  4. I will present myself as credible by having been a member of this audience who has had peers have children at early ages. It will be more like advice, rather than a lecture.
  5. One of my sources is an ABC News article and it mentions some of the reasons why girls watch these shows. It talks about how these girls have "watch parties" which proves supports that I feel these shows glamorize teen pregnancy. These girls on the shows have become celebrities.
  6. In my paper I will use quotes from some of the girls on these shows. This will convince my audience because it will show that these girls don't really live glamorous lives.
  7. I will make sure to put the opposing view point in the middle of the paper after my initial argument but before my strongest evidence.
  8. I have acknowledged arguments of those that would disagree with me.

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