Sunday, October 24, 2010 stands for "What Would Tyler Durden," combining two pop culture references, What Would Jesus Do and the character Tyler Durden from Fight Club.

There's really no explanation given on the site as to why the site is named after Tyler Durden, but I think its kind of ironic because the character in the book/movie hated consumer culture and probably wouldn't be caught dead blogging when there's so much soap to be made.

The blog reports on mostly the same stories as Perez Hilton, the Superficial, and other gossip sites, but adds a lot more misogony and sexism to his posts. The anonymous blogger is always talking about hot girls and, when a story is only about men, will just post a random series of photographs of a "hot" actress or model. That said, his posts are also sarcastic and funny and he tends to add his own somewhat well thought-out opinions to his posts.

1 comment:

  1. When I saw what the domain name stood for, I yelled to my boyfriend to come over and look at it. He's a big Fight Club fan so he nearly knocked me off my chair, but ended up being about as disappointed as you sound. Not much there about Tyler..
