I searched all over the internet trying to find common celebrities who had blogs. Then I remember during the time Obama was running for president, P.Diddy was blogging alot. He even blogged once rooting for Obama. The blog is called Diddy Blog. P.Diddy's blog has been criticized especially when he was posting comments about Obama and negative comments about Sarah Palin. Now his blogs consist of other controversial items, and positive sayings and videos.
During Diddy's negative blog towards Palin, Palin and a number of other people took offense to it and Diddy came back the next day say he might as well apologize if he cant voice his own opinion.
I didn't know P.Diddy had his own blog. I was surprised to find out that he actually blogs and expresses his opinion through the blog. I think that it's significant he blogs because celebrities have such a big influence on today's society. What he writes in his blog may really have an effect on someone's opinions of beliefs.