Sunday, October 24, 2010


FabSugar is a fashion blog that reflects some of the most widely accepted and or discussed views and tastes of today’s culture. It covers various aspects of fashion whether it is runway trends or celebrity fashion. Also Fabsugar is able to provide what is wanted or needed to its fellow readers and bloggers by consistantly providing the latest updates, fashion news, and commentary that accommodates to a wide spectrum of casual fashion followers to complete fashion enthusiast.

This blog is a blog that features many celebrities seen with their dogs. It has many photographs of these celebrities taking their dogs for walks or doing activities with their dogs. Some celebrities have tips they have for training their dog and just cool, funny facts about their animal. It is pretty crazy to see what some of these celebrities say about their dogs and how obsessed they are with their dogs.

Celebrity Babies Blog

The title is pretty self explanatory- this blog documents everything from pregnancy announcements to pumpkin picking to high school graduations. I decided to go with this one because of the evolutionary psychology articles that we read. I thought my initial interest in the blog would be supportive of the theory about human interest in anything related to reproduction, but it got more interesting when I scrolled down further. This blog apparently includes any near-celeb news it can photograph and speculate. I barely recognized half of its "celebrities" and with that I became disinterested, further supporting the contents of the ep articles. The best post I read was called "Strange Celebrity Baby Names." It included Apple, Pilot Inspektor and even Suri.

Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton some how gets all the juicy celebrity gossip that anyone can think of and puts it all together in his blog. It is updated with all the new celebrity gossip with his witty comments. He mixes celebrity culture with new music he is a fan of and organizations he is behind. His blog is a comic relief to the public and is the reason why this blog is visited so much all over the world.

Post Secret

Post Secret is a blog of anonymous postcards, e-mails, and tweets, of people's secrets that have never been revealed. It was created by a man named Frank Warren as a blog experiment and its' popularity developed it into one of the most popular sites in 2007. The postcards are homemade art with the requirements being that the content is anonymous and 100% honest. I think the argument Post Secret tries to make is that people should be able to freely express themselves without being judged; that everyone makes mistakes and has their secrets and is entitled to keep them a secret. Celebrity blogs are so popular because people thrive on gossip and want to know their secrets. This concept is what makes Post Secret blog so popular because it is literally a site full of secrets but, because it is anomyous, the secrets are often more outrageous and unusual. I also think the site sends the message that you aren't alone because it unites millions of people that send in secrets as well as those who read the blog and can relate to the posts. The site recieves a wide range of secrets including sexual misconduct, confessions, hopes and dreams, and many suicidal cries for help. After recieving many of these, creator Frank Warren teamed up with 1-800-suicide to reach out to people through hotlines on college campuses.
Post Secret is a clever idea for a blog and very interesting to read (almost addicting). The visual aspects make it appealing to look at and the thoughts are often inspirational to the diverse range of readers who can often find some way to relate to most of the posts. I recommend you take a peak!

The Guardian is a British news publication much like the New York Times. On their online website they have a 'comment' section which is the equivalent of a blog section.

The blog I read was titled "As Jacko found, fame means trusting only cats and chimps". Despite the informal title, the article makes a substantial argument stating the expensive price at which obtaining stardom/fame comes.

She questions contemporary values as people continue to desire to be famous despite all of the negative side effects that seem to result from our consumer driven appetites for tabloid journalism - driving celebrities like Lindsay Lohan, Amy Winehouse, and Britney Spears to the edge of insanity with no room to breathe under the constant flashing lights of paparazzi.

She finds a pretty good explanation and potential theory as to why we have this desire for fame. It is as follows: "We as humans, we're not solitary people... Fame is people trying to attain community on a mass scale, because when you become famous wherever you go people know about what you've done and what you're about to do. And it's like you're living in one massive community."

The blog concludes with Jacko aka Michael Jackson attempting to find "familial love denied to him as a child" via his stardom, but in the end just ended up isolating himself only able to trust his cats and chimps.


Gawker is a celebrity gossip blog that posts roughly 50 articles a day. What is interesting about this blog is that its content varies from trivial celebrity gossip to news worthy insights into topics like the Iraq war. In doing so, Gawker appears to be arguing that celebrity gossip is equally as important as real news. Despite this fact, the blog also publishes content which has contributes nothing to the world, and literally kills brain cells as you read it. For example, one post describes a man who had the worlds largest collection of bellybutton lint. Having content like this makes the argument that celebrity gossip has no real value or newsworthiness. stands for "What Would Tyler Durden," combining two pop culture references, What Would Jesus Do and the character Tyler Durden from Fight Club.

There's really no explanation given on the site as to why the site is named after Tyler Durden, but I think its kind of ironic because the character in the book/movie hated consumer culture and probably wouldn't be caught dead blogging when there's so much soap to be made.

The blog reports on mostly the same stories as Perez Hilton, the Superficial, and other gossip sites, but adds a lot more misogony and sexism to his posts. The anonymous blogger is always talking about hot girls and, when a story is only about men, will just post a random series of photographs of a "hot" actress or model. That said, his posts are also sarcastic and funny and he tends to add his own somewhat well thought-out opinions to his posts.

Perez Hilton

I have choose Perez Hilton's Blog as my subject because it is very interesting! I was suprised at all that he knows and all that Perez has access to as an blogger. Perez seems to be very knowledgable on celebrity news.

The Superficial

The Superficial is very similar the popular entertainment blog TMZ but leans more towards the destruction of celebrity personas. While TMZ does provide some news by conveying mostly facts with only the suspicion of exageration the superficial plays with the background story and slams the celebrity of any faux paux. The pictures shown and "slammed" on by followers are usually taken out of context. They seem to always be about celebrities who are famous for nothing. For instance the three Kardashians and Paris Hilton. The blog plays more on the appeal viewers have for seeing the downfall of celebs than the good nature and trend detting they provide us.

Anne Petersen's blog - "Celebrity Gossip, Academic Style"

It's good to see you all on here. I'd like to add to the discussion by bringing up a blog that a friend introduced me to about a year ago when I was in the initial stages of planning this class.

Anne Petersen is working on her doctorate in the RTF (Radio, Television, and Film) department here at UT. She writes this blog, "Celebrity Gossip, Academic Style":

Anne presents a lot of perceptive observations about celebrity culture in terms of how it makes meaning for mass audiences and why it's something that we should take seriously. She offers a lot of astute commentary about how fame and image construction work and how we, as readers/viewers/consumers, contribute to that process. Although she's not using the classical rhetoric terms that we do, I think that there are many ways in which her project overlaps with ours. I think her writing also provides a solid model for those of you who are thinking about how to strengthen your analytical and close reading skills.

If you follow the link, check out her posts discussing the Heidi Montag mess and the Sandra Bullock circus. Note that she speculates on how both women do/do not participate in the arguments made about them. I also enjoyed her post dealing with Bruce Springsteen's cultural appeal, but maybe that's more to do with my being a fan of "The Boss."


Oh No They Didn't is a LiveJournal that focuses on celebrity gossip and pop culture. Most of the posts are taken from other blogs and posted on this site by individuals following it. This type of blog relies heavily on user comments and opinions - even the title creates a stimulating environment for pontifical individuals. They even have an ONTD about politics, for those who don't mind for celebrity gossip - but rather express their opinions on political figures. I found it interesting that people can post all kinds of visual elements: from videos and photos, to gif - animated pictures. This makes it more aesthetically appealing - especially for women who like to observe in detail their admired celebrities - or despised ones.

ROFL Razzi

ROFL Razzi is a blog that has pictures of celebrities with humorous captions. The blog is sort of like Perez Hilton's blog (before he grew a heart) minus the celebrity news. Anyone can submit a picture with a caption to the website to try to get it on the homepage of the blog. The captions on the pictures usually poke fun at the celebrities, but are rarely overly offensive.

TMZ... What does it really mean?

As most of you know, TMZ is one of the most popular entertainment news blogs, aside from Perez Hilton. What you may not know is that the acronym stands for "thirty-mile zone," which was a term used in the '60s. With the growth of location shoots during that time, studios established a "thirty-mile zone" to monitor rules for filming in Hollywood. But since 2005, TMZ has stood for one of the most reliable, timely sources of entertainment news.
Two of the biggest entertainment stories, then exclusiveto TMZ, put the site on the map: Mel Gibson's DUI and arrest and Michael Richards' trip to the Laugh Factory in addition to breaking the news of Britney and Kevin's breakup.
Although it is impossible for any news source, especially tabloid news, to be completely objective, TMZ does a decent job at conveying the facts with little exaggeration and opinion inserted. The voice is less clear and opinionated compared to many blogs, although the writing is still very basic and often inserts clever puns or comments to stir up controversy, such as the latest Lohan post.
TMZ is frequently cited by credible news sources, such as national network and local newsgathering organizations. TIME magazine named TMZ one of coolest web sites out there in 2006 and Newsweek named it the "Breakout Blog of 2007."

Celebrity Mugshots

ChicagoNow is noted as the official and finest blog of all things Chicago. In wake of the continuous coverage of Lindsey Lohan and her court appearances, blogger Awesome Barb decides to touch on the "savvy and addictive habits of the rich and famous". The coverage of numerous celebs and the inclusion of their infamous mug shots reveals our society's obsession with the downfall of our celebrity idols. The widespread circulation of images of their downfall in both the entertainment and traditional news spheres only validates this argument. Guessing when they will mess up becomes a somewhat sadistic game as each celeb highlighted is accompanied by comedic commentary.

celebrity mugshots

Necole Bitchie

Necole Bitchie is a blog similar to Perez Hilton's blog, celebrity gossip. With the tag line "Bitchin' Aint Easy" this blog site is provocative in a few different ways. Necole makes it clear that she only talks about things that interest her in particular whether they have already been covered in the news of not. Recently she discussed Kanye West's new controversial video "Runway" in which he has scenes of Michael Jackson and people dressed in pointed hoods that could resemble the KKK.

Necole Bitchie

I'm Not Obsessed

This is a blog made to focus on the entertainment and lifestyle needs of today's women. It focuses solety on food, family and fashion. It's focus is on beauty and fashion and how it is possible to get the celebrity look for cheap! It gives you the latest fashion along with tips on new and cheap cosmetics to buy as well as great new recipes to try. Not only do you get tips and recipes, but you also get the latest gossip on the celebrities as well. They make it appealing to the reader with catchy titles and pictures. they bring in the celebrities to attract their audience and make them show how they either are wearing something cute or something that should never be worn in public.

The SartoriaList

The Satorialist is a fashion blog started by Scott Schuman in New York. He started this blog with the intentions of simply sharing photographs of people he saw on the streets of NY. Schuman worked in the fashion industry for 15 years; he has worked under companies such as Onward Kashiyama and collections by Valentino. He eventually opened his own showroom. After 9/11 Schuman closed his showroom and began focusing on his photography. The Sartorialist has grown and inspired many designers all over the world. This blog was selected as "one of Time Magazine's Top 100 Design Influencers."

Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's Diddy...

I searched all over the internet trying to find common celebrities who had blogs. Then I remember during the time Obama was running for president, P.Diddy was blogging alot. He even blogged once rooting for Obama. The blog is called Diddy Blog. P.Diddy's blog has been criticized especially when he was posting comments about Obama and negative comments about Sarah Palin. Now his blogs consist of other controversial items, and positive sayings and videos.

During Diddy's negative blog towards Palin, Palin and a number of other people took offense to it and Diddy came back the next day say he might as well apologize if he cant voice his own opinion.

Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton is a controversial blogger with one of the most popular celebrity gossip blogs, which receives millions of web hits daily. Hilton, whose real name is Mario Lavandeira Jr., is openly gay and an activist for gay rights.
One issue that has gained a lot of attention recently is gay teenagers who have committed suicide due to bullying at school. A recent post on his website explains that 17% of U.S. students reported being bullied multiple times a semester. He posts stories about many of the deceased gay teens and how their lives were cut short over hatred from other kids. In response to these stories, he along with many other celebrities including the Kardashians, Adam Lambert, and even President Obama have made "it gets better" videos, helping gay youth get through the hard times of adolescence. Hilton has also claimed he will not attack celebrities on his blog anymore in an effort to promote love, not hate.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thesis for 2.1

What are you working on? Post your working thesis as a comment to this thread.